
Band Booking Software that is

“literally what dreams are made of.”

Courtney, The Phoenix

Leave behind the days of duct-taping spreadsheets, calendars, and email together. Get Artist assets instantly.  Streamline, simplify, start saving massive amounts of time.

Amptup All-in-one live music booking app

As featured in:

When Dan showed it to me I was like oh my god this is amazing it makes everything more streamlined… a no-brainer.

It’s so easy getting marketing assets and photos.

I think it’s a great tool. I have zero complaints.

Cady, Talent Buyer,

Commonwealth Pub, Bend, OR

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3 Min Demo

We’ll show you how you can create a single source of truth, get artist assets instantly, and more.

Butts-in-seats are mission critical,

But finding time to promote the show is hard when…

Email overwhelm is wasting time

Booking details are strung across 15 emails

Connecting spreadsheets, cal, & email is a copy/paste nightmare.

How it works

Whether the artist contacts you, or vice versa, AmptUp streamlines the booking process, turning 10 messages into 2 clicks.


Create bookings FAST: Enter dates and times

For load in, sound check, + payment terms and select stage.


The rest flows in automatically

To be customized (marketing, hospitality, Venue tech rider, photos, and more). Sell-out potential auto-calculates – no more spreadsheets.


Send the booking offer

To ANYONE you want, any WAY you want (by text, email, DM) with a fast & easy link. No login or account needed for the Artist.


Artist reviews & confirms

By submitting their assets, W9s, socials & more for your team to easily access. Artists get your files (stage plots or contracts) when approved.

Always updated in real time

A single source of truth

What they need, When they need it

Everything flows where it needs to be automatically without endless copy/pasting. Files & details are easy to find by your accountants, marketers, sound techs, etc..

Amptup Payout structure

Get artist assets without nagging

Our specialized system invites in the artist/agent (no login needed!), gives them everything they need in one intuitive, easy-access link, so THEY can give YOU what you need without nagging.


Our customers get a much higher response rate with assets. You no longer need to do double work to copy/paste/upload/download everything the artist just sent… it’s where it needs to be.

Track booking progress

Our smart calendar flows in the details as soon as the artist approves the booking. No more work for you. And your team is updated the minute an artist confirms. Colors for pending, requested changes, approved, etc. keep your team informed.

I was talking to my partner after our call and told him this is literally what dreams are made of.

This will make my life so much easier, I’m so excited.

Courtney Hanson

Courtney Hanson, Pheonix

Taproom & Kitchen, Eau Claire, WI

Settle up at 2am is WAY easier

Instead of hunting for payment details, calculating payout with blurry eyes, and debating ticket sales counts late at night, our settlement calculator with payment details makes it easy for anyone on your team to settle up.


Share printouts or digital settlements if you like.

Stop end-of-year panic over W9s

W9s are collected, WHEN the show is finalized, and stored easily for your accounting team, along with final payout numbers.

I can tell you right now that this is going to be a HUGE benefit to us, I can tell you that no one is this organized!

And, we’ve played at all the venues around us, including large venues that use your competitor Prism. There is nothing like this!!

Dan Larsson, Owner

Commonwealth Pub, Bend, OR


Change can be scary, especially when many tech products promise the world. We planned to be different from day one with:

Intuitive Design

Everyone knows exactly what to do in seconds

Outstanding Customer Service

Someone who knows your name, just send a text

Fast, No-Hassle Setup

A real person helps set up and train your team

Who is AmptUp for?

AmptUp is for you, if you are ANY of the following


Who is AmptUp not for?

We want to make sure you get what you need! Even if it's not us.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I book Artists while on the move, do you have a mobile app?

AmptUp is mobile friendly! We know you’re booking live music at all times and all places, so all of the pages are specifically designed for mobile, and an app is coming soon.

How do I pay Artists and how much do I pay Artists? Does AmptUp handle payment to the Artists?

Nope, not right now. Pay how you’d like, in the way that works best for you, for any amount you agree on.

We will be adding online payment and W9 management in the future. See our roadmap for next releases.

I have a well-honed system with Google Calendar/Docs, do I really need this?

Your booking deserves something better than even the most well-honed google systems. The problem with ‘free’ systems is they usually aren’t, and the cost is your data and privacy.

Additionally, while your internal team may be organized, communicating with your external team (Artists) still requires endless copy/pasting and repeat question-answering.

Both sides will thank you for the level of detail, clarity, and speed they get with AmptUp. And YOU can spend your new free time curating or promoting the show.

Does it cost my Artists anything?

Nada. They will receive the booking offer, and can accept, decline, or request changes without paying any fees and without even logging in or having an account.

Can I invite my team (or clients) to see booking details?

Yes! Inviting and unifying your internal team with AmptUp (as well as Artists) is a critical part of our value to independent music Venues. Crucial details can be lost in emails, text, and ‘reply-alls’ that never were. Invite your internal team, clients, or contractors to view bookings with password protection. For external viewers, the booking offer will act as the single source of truth with the Artist’s team and can be shared without password protection to anyone.

I’m a talent buyer for multiple Venues, how will this work?

Managing multiple live music Venues is easy on AmptUp. Under your profile dropdown in the top right, click on “Venues” and add a new Venue. Monthly subscription prices are per Venue.

I do everything myself, and have a small group of rotating Artists, do I really need this?

Most likely no. We’ve found that Venues who rotate 10-15 Artists, or who have less than 4 shows per month typically prefer to use the system they already have in place, since they can manage that number of personal relationships with ease.

If you are looking for new Artists to fill in occasionally, or invite fans (and new customers) to your Venue, we are working to build an Artist search function. See our roadmap for next releases.

I already get a ton of Artist pitches, do I really need this?

If you are experiencing email overwhelm, AmptUp will help you tame the inbox madness. Our tool is specifically designed to help reduce the back-and-forth communications that cause errors (and cause people to go insane). Instead of 15 emails for each band, our Venues often book bands in a single email.

How do Agents feel about using this?

AmptUp has done many interviews and testing sessions with Agents to make it a breeze for everybody. Agents told us: 
”If all Venues used this, my job would be way easier.”
”It makes the Venue look a lot more sophisticated.”
”We deal with Venues at all levels, communications would be way more streamlined and clear with AmptUp.”

Want revenue growth ideas straight to your inbox?

Use AmptUp insights to put on better shows, attract top artists/agents who put ‘butts-in-seats,’ and build an unbreakable relationship with your audience.

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